
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Describing the management team

Executives frequently wonder how to best present the management team’s qualifications. The following is one approach that allows you to explain everyone’s qualifications without cluttering up the business plan:

The Synopsis Include a paragraph or half-page synopsis of each team member’s background, including relevant employment and professional experience, significant accomplishments, and educational background.

The Resume At the end of the business plan, in an appendix, provide complete and detailed resumes, giving the information necessary to allow the prospective investor to check references. Each resume should include exact employment information (positions, places employed, dates of employment, and reasons for leaving), schools attended, degrees received, and dates. The resume should also paint a personal picture of each executive for the prospective investor. You many want, for example, to include references to industry and
business affiliations, professional memberships, hobbies, and leisure time activities.

Compensation You should describe the compensation packages that you offer to the key members of the management team. Compensation packages can include salary, bonuses, profit sharing, stock ownership opportunities (options or purchase), and deferred compensation to name the most common. Be specific about the stock ownership opportunities available to each key employee. Potential investors will want to be assured that the incentives offered to key members of management are consistent with their own investment goals and
are tied to increasing the long-term value of the business.


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