7 Tips on How To Awaken The Financial Genius Inside You
True wealth is a mindset that allows you to see, and to act on, the infinite wealth building opportunities constantly around you.
How can you cultivate that success mindset?
Is it something you are born with? Must you be a genius or have an advanced degree?
Is it a special skill or trick?

Here are seven clues:
- Take responsibility: No matter what happened to you in the past, no matter how unfair things may have been - take responsibility for your financial destiny. Learn to make things happen rather feel like things happen to you. No matter how bad your situation, no matter what fears and uncertainties you experience...you can choose to feel helpless and blame the world (or your parents or your boss or some personal shortcoming etc.) ...and consequently get nowhere...or you can adopt the wealthy mindset and make the best of your situation. Take responsibility for your life, of your financial situation, and set yourself free.
- Commit to your goal: Commit to financial freedom. Not just a passing decision that you would like to be financially independent. Wanting something is not enough. You must be WILLING – willing, with every fibre of your being, to take the steps necessary to reach your objective. Be aware that as you are reading this, you have already taken the first step.
- Build a strategic plan: Formulate a strategic plan in which you commit to specific measurable goals. Not only does this keep you disciplined and accountable...but once your goals are explicitly defined, it trains your ingenious subconscious to keep looking for ways to fulfil those goals...which is the foundation of a wealthy mindset. This is in contrast to poorly defined goals...that are strong enough to lurk in the back of your mind...but too vague to be tackled in a concrete way, leading only to stress.
- Consult experts: When you formulate your strategic plan, seek help from the best. The wealthy mindset knows there is always room to learn and improve. All champions use coaches. Be a champion. At the same time, be wary of the well-intentioned but often misguided advice of family and friends, bearing in mind that if you do what the overwhelming majority of people recommend, you will end up, like them, on the pension. Always consider a person’s qualifications before taking advice.
- Focus on the positive: This may well be the single most important determinant of your success. Your life becomes what you focus on. So remain focused on the goals in your strategic plan and the things that serve those goals. That way, by focusing on your goals, your life becomes focused and successful. Whereas if you let circumstances or people draw your focus away from your goals...towards distractions, fear and negativity...your life becomes distracted, fearful and negative.
- Be true to your moral compass:The wealthy mindset recognises that dollars and cents are abundant and need not come at the expense of others. Follow what you know to be the right thing to do, and you will win the respect of others, and most importantly, of yourself. No need to look over your shoulder, no need for secrets or legal manoevres. When win-win transactions are the norm you will sleep like a baby every night. This is true wealth.
- Take MASSIVE action: No-one ever achieved financial independence by staying in their comfort zone. So at any given moment, ask yourself the question: what is the most valuable thing I could be doing with my time right now? Then do it with courage, and without delay. There are a million excuses not to change one’s life, to keep following the same path, to leave the important actions to tomorrow. Change is scary. But in life, often the highest risk strategy is simply doing nothing.
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