
Monday, 4 April 2011

How Do You Online Home B-B

How Do You Start an Online Home-Based Business?

Well, you start right at the beginning of course.But seriously,An online home based business is not something you want to start on a whim. It takes a lot of work and planning to make it successful.And even then, a lot don't make it.Ask yourself honestly if you have what it takes.Are you willing to risk your time, effort and money on a venture that may or may not succeed? 

Do you have the patience and skills needed to plan and execute an actual business? 

Can you stick it out when the going gets tough?

Can you come up with a better product than your competitor?

And….if you fail despite all your efforts, can you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and soldier on?

So, you ask, why am I trying to make it sound so difficult to start and run a successful online business?

Because it is.

The chances that an offline business will fold within the first 5 years is normally put at 80% - 90%. That's quite slim. That works out to 1 to 2 guys out of every 10 guys.Let's be optimistic and say that of those still alive, 50% are doing well. In other words, after 5 years, 5% - 10% of offline businesses will be doing well.Now, take a look at an online business. The barrier to entry is very low. The online world is global in nature. With the changes in the world economy, more and more people are looking to start a business. And where do they look? 

The Internet.So you will have a lot more competitors in an online business, and the success rate will drop. In an online business, the success rate will be less than 1 guy out of every 10 guys. Pretty bad odds, if you ask me.

I hope you are convinced that it is going to be a struggle to start and run a successful online business. Not impossible.

but hard work, perseverance and ingenuity are required.

But if you are prepared.................


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